
Book Review | Strategic Management In The Garment Industry By Gordana Co...

After the project to present Management of technology systems in the garment industry in a new way, the logical sequence after conducted researches imposed the need to create a new paradigm for Strategic management in garment industry.

The essence of this book is in the development and survival of products in garment industry. The book represents a milestone and applied concept for a modern environment that is characterized by permanent changes due to rapid development of technology and information systems. This requires a multidisciplinary approach to strategic management in garment industry, as the author presents through six areas of this unique book.

Chapter one shows what influenced the need to use strategic management in garment industry. The influence of environment, abilities and constant innovations in production-business system directly affect the existence, survival and success of the company. The answers to strategic questions where we are now, where we want to be and how to get there are given in other chapters of the book.

Garment industry employs millions of people around the world, and profits are measured in billions of euros. In this way, the industry follows the increasingly complex consumer desires, demands and fashion trends in the world. The basic tone in terms of growth rates, design, fashion, functionality and wide range of products is given by the centres with high consumption i.e. the richest states. The second chapter discusses the necessity of garment producers to invest in the professionals who will be able to explore the market, management strategies and methods for new product development and optimization of technological process of making clothes.

In garment industry today there are major problems in terms of market research, monitoring competition, investing in one’s own development, making original creations and scientific approach to introducing fashion products in the market. The third chapter describes the sequence analysis of marketing methods in which the first step is the analysis of consumers, the study of sales data and estimating fashion trends. It is necessary to determine the size and purchasing power of consumers, the acceptability of garment products in the market, eliminating weaknesses in the sales channels, distribution and promotional activities. Marketing strategies with examples of famous fashion companies give examples of how to use information technology in the globalization of markets, and how to apply knowledge management where necessary and when necessary.

The fourth chapter deals with efficient operations which, in conditions of high competition and global economic crisis, make quality clothing products possible to exist. Therefore it is necessary to know and plan the strategy of garment production, analyze and adjust to market and business changes and apply it adequately: Strategic business conditions, Strategic planning, PEST analysis, Portfolio Analysis, Strategic control, Benchmarking, Brand strategic...
Organization in modern environment is characterized by continuous change. The fifth chapter discusses how to do business which requires more flexible organizational structure, process approach and work teams. Methods and techniques for predicting scientific and technological progress are described in details, so it is possible to use, within strategic management in garment industry, the methods and techniques by which the effectiveness and efficiency in realizing planned goals are achieved: SWOT analysis, Scenario method, Gap analysis and Five Forces Analysis.

The sixth chapter describes a modern company that has organizational culture as a part of organizational mission. Modern organizational structure should be a successfully modelled complex system with the characteristics of flexibility, dynamics as well as cohesion. The study of organizational behaviour provides obtaining the competences required for successful workers, work groups, work team leaders or managers, together with talented individuals.

Dr Danijela Paunovic

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